luni, septembrie 05, 2005

soc: Bush nu e de vina pentru Katrina

Din ciclul prostii lor nu sunt mai prosti decat ai nostri, 3/4 din americani dau vina pe autoritatile locale pentru insuficienta pregatire si/sau reactie in timp ce 55% nu cred ca Bush e personal de vina pentru efectele devastatoare ale uraganului. In ciuda presei lor, care, ca si la noi, se repede total aiurea in razboaie personale decat in servirea obiectiva a opiniei publice. Pentru mai mult background aici. link via

UPDATE: uitat link initial, updatat acuma


Anonymous Anonim said...

One thing that Romanians should realize is that the majority of the American media (almost 3/4) is of a liberal/left wing ideology. Therefore almost anything negative they can get their hands on to use against Bush they'll will use. The media would blame President Bush for the death of the dinosaurs if they could. Last year, after the annual check up, President's personal doctor told the American press, that Bush is in great health and excellent physical conditioning. Of course the left wing media could not print anything positive about Bush so right along the doctor's statement they printed Bush has done nothing and he is partially to blame for the growing American obesity problem. So Americans getting fat is the Presidents fault. This would make scene only in the mind of fanatical journalist. Yet this is the kind of garbage that I have to read almost on a daily bases. The definition of Propaganda is American journalism and media.

1/02/2006 05:45:00 a.m.  

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